The time poured into your website is obvious on first glance. Your site should look professional, easy to navigate and answer most of your audience's questions.
First impressions are important. A common mistake with small businesses is taking the time to get an SSL on your site. This can easily lose you sales.
Your site should be consistent. Recognizable. Easy to read. Simple is always better than over the top. Include the most important information or the answers to the top questions you get.
Your website should be a direct reflection of your business. There might be confusion if your website is for a car repair shop, but it looks more like a flower shop. Logos, colors and message should be your message and no one else.
Consumers determine trustworthiness by the consistency in messages. If your business has a blue and green logo on the building, but your website is black and red, your consumer will wonder if this is the same business and you may lose an opportunity without even meeting your customer. Color theory is also important when it comes to your website. You are trying to illicit a response and using the influence of consistency and color is just the start.
You'll notice on this website, the background is white with black, blue and yellow for accent colors an the pictures are calm, pointed and fresh. The idea is to bring everything to your attention, clear and concisely. Nothing is flashy. There's nothing to distract you.